GIS & Remotesensing

Preparing better maps and bettering existing
maps are our motto. We have specialization in areas like land cover/use
classification, cadastre, base map, navigation, urban planning, forestry, wet
land analysis, ROW, data conversion, georeferencing, and image classification. ENSPATIA3D services include mapping from
Aerial, satellite images and toposheets. Our services does not include
digitization only but things like preparing a data model to creation of
geodatabase with appropriate rules, thematic maps, CAD digitization, placing texts in map etc. Our specialists are one of the best in the
industry in the country and are accustomed to all most all the platforms
available today for GIS. Listed below are few of our services offered in GIS
& Remote Sensing
Topographic and Cadastral Map generation
AM/FM utility Mapping
Navigation Map Production
Positional Accuracy Improvement (PAI)
Data Conversion and geo-referencing
Image enhancement and Image processing
Supervised and unsupervised classification
Land use / land cover or land parcel Mapping
High-resolution urban Mapping
Forestry / Agriculture Mapping
Hydrographic Mapping and Flood Mapping